Bush Surges
Thu, January 4, 2007 at 7:48PM
TechnoMonk in Leadership, Photography, Politics, Writing

328554005_4dc85d56fc_m.jpgThe cover story of the January 15 edition of Time Magazine examines the question of “what a surge really means.” It now appears as if we’re headed for another boost of troop levels in Iraq, doesn’t it?

Despite the clear will of the American people expressed during last November’s elections, and contrary to the advice of practically everyone that matters (except, I guess, Senator John McCain), W is going his own merry way yet again: obviously living in a fantasy world that hardly anyone else inhabits.


Hey, George: you’re going the wrong way!

(I know, I know…there’s a punctuation error in the sign…it’s why I took the photo in the first place! See Eats, Shoots & Leaves for a thorough discussion of how we regularly – and publicly – botch punctuation.)

Article originally appeared on TechnoMonk’s Musings (https://technomonksmusings.com/).
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