Feelin’ Right, Right Now
Thu, February 15, 2007 at 7:20PM
TechnoMonk in Life, Work

Sometimes I wonder if I’m Ever gonna make it home again.
It’s so far and out of sight…
I won’t be happy ’til I see
You alone again.
’Til I’m home again and feelin’ right.
I wanna be home again and feelin’ right.

(“Home Again” — Carole King)

It’s not a tremendously large secret that I’m actively engaged in a job search. And have been for quite awhile. After losing a long-time position through a painful institutional reorganization process in 2004, I’ve landed two successive “interim” positions while patiently (or, perhaps, not so) waiting for the “right” and “permanent” job to come along. (Is there such a thing?)

Ahhhh, but there appears to be, as I write this today, reason for optimism (!)…a quality that, I believe, is sometimes conspicuous by its absence in my writings and general life outlook. (Yes, I admit, I’ve often been discouraged.) Here’s the deal: in the last three days, I’ve received one interview invitation per day. This means, counting the recent interview experience I described late last month, that, out-of-the-chute this year, I’m (while mixing metaphors) batting a thousand (four-for-four) in terms of applications leading to interviews. (The other applications I currently have out are for positions that have not reached a closing date yet.) This is an incredible hot streak…and I’m eager to see where this all leads. As the situation stands now, I’m soon traveling to San Francisco (well, actually, San Bruno) and Albany (Oregon), as those interviews have been scheduled. The call I got today was for a position in Sacramento, and I’ve not yet decided whether to accept this trip.

I’m excited! And, while cautious, yes, I’m feelin’ right, right now.

Article originally appeared on TechnoMonk’s Musings (https://technomonksmusings.com/).
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