March on the Pentagon
Sun, February 25, 2007 at 4:37PM
TechnoMonk in Life, Politics, Popular Culture

871158-693068-thumbnail.jpgOn Saturday March 17th, and in the days following, there will be numerous mass demonstrations against the war in Iraq. Most likely the largest of the gatherings will be the march on the Pentagon.

That weekend marks the fourth anniversary of the beginning of this war. And this year, 2007, happens to be the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. The message of the 1967 march was “From Protest to Resistance,” and is believed to have been a significant turning point in national sentiment. Let’s send a similar proclamation to the world this time around: we won’t stand for this!

I urge anyone and everyone reading these words to participate in the protests scheduled during this March weekend. While I was a college student in northern Wisconsin in the fall of 1967, regrettably I was not yet actively engaged in “the movement;” I was not at the Pentagon that time. And, while I won’t be at the Pentagon this year either, I have made plans to march in San Francisco on Sunday March 18th. It’s time to stand and be counted. And let’s all be counted…by the tens of thousands, by the hundreds of thousands and more…as opposed to this insanity!

It’s not far away. Make plans now. I’ll see you in San Francisco!

Article originally appeared on TechnoMonk’s Musings (
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