Keep Healthy & Keep Going
Tue, March 6, 2007 at 6:06PM
TechnoMonk in Health & Wellness, Life, Work

Life is too short. And, for what there is of it, way too hard. My head, my very being, is bursting, is overloaded, right now, with sensory input. My heart is breaking from all the pain I see, from all the tears shed everywhere I turn.

Things are pretty complicated these days. There just are not enough hours in the day; I have several things that I’m needing to attend to, all of quite-high priority. Number one is my health, of course. So, I have my herbs and supplements supplied by my Traditional Chinese Medicine woman. The routine I engage in everyday is quite structured; I have regular breathing exercises and Yoga and meditation practices. And I have sleep and a healthy diet and other stress-management techniques to pursue. I’m very preoccupied with keeping healthy and keeping going.

The results: so far, so good. I’m in much better shape than I was a couple of months ago.

But then, too, there’s the search for a new job. An incredibly high priority. Made necessary by the fact that the work environment I now inhabit is wholly unsatisfactory: that is to say, very unhealthy. And, when I speak of the tears I observe, they are, of course, shed in that place. There’s hardly a day that goes by without someone in my office breaking down — in one way or another. Given the emotionally-unpredictable, spiritually-bankrupt climate, such frequent outcomes are inevitable. Literally every fiber of my being aches for the pain of those I work with; for this ubiquitous suffering of epic proportions.

So much. So unnecessary. So absolutely critical for the health of my soul that I escape.

Article originally appeared on TechnoMonk’s Musings (
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