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Times Are A-Changin’

It seems strange to admit at this point, but, with regard to my enthusiasm for the candidacy of Barak Obama in the 2008 presidential race, I was actually a “late comer.” It was in February 2007 that I first made some observations here about the Democratic candidate field, praising John Edwards for both his honesty and his astute policy messages (after an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher). And, right up until the time he dropped out of the race, during the California primary in February of this year, Edwards was my guy.

I happen to have mailed in my California primary ballot the same day Edwards abruptly withdrew. So, that’s how I spent that particular vote. After that happened, I had to go shopping for another Democrat to support...but the decision, for me, was a no-brainer. Who was really left at that time that had any viability? Well, Hillary and Barak. And Hillary wasn’t really an option. She just wasn’t. Plus, I had been watching Obama during the entire campaign; he had been impressing me more and more, with everything he said (in that endless stream of early debates) and in every primary victory.


What did I see in Barak Obama, the guy with the funny name? Well, a true leader. Someone, like Edwards, I believed I could trust. Someone with whom I shared the same basic realities about, and aspirations for, the nation. Someone who could bring about real, and desperately needed, change.


I just knew he was going to be our next president. And I felt great about that. What a difference he could make for us! What a healthy, delightful and delicious contrast he would be to “W”!


From the time of the California primary to the late-summer conventions, I became more and more of a political junkie and an Obama enthusiast. In addition to the “fake news” updates I got every night on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, I began watching a lot of MSNBC’s coverage of the campaign. Keith Olbermann became a favorite. And, then, they gave Rachel Maddow her own hour adjoining Olbermann. Wow, two hours a night on MSNBC and a half hour on Comedy Central. I couldn’t get enough!


I watched all four nights of both nominating conventions. Not exactly the high drama those events used to be, but I was thrilled with Obama’s pick of Joe Biden and the massively-attended acceptance speech outdoors in Denver. And I was appalled at things like Rudy Giuliani’s rambling, inflammatory speech and McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin. (A “laugh-out-loud choice,” commented Rachel Maddow immediately.)


Then, there was the remainder of the campaign: several weeks of surprise after surprise, including an economy that was increasingly going down the toilet and one sadly-idiotic remark after another from Palin. I watched the four debates, and “hacked” my way through all of them. I sent out many, many tweets, in real time, during those events and even had one appear on national television on the Current Network.


Finally, finally, came election day. And night. I had voted by mail two weeks earlier, so no line-standing for me. Alas, I had to be on campus that night to work, but was able to follow a lot of the early coverage on MSNBC, live, online, in my office. The early returns had me wondering. Kentucky went to McCain right off. Well, no surprise: except I had a difficult time imagining anyone voting for McCain/Palin!


In the end, of course, everything turned out just fine. Obama was declared the projected victor while I was in a classroom, away from the coverage. But I made it home in time to see McCain’s concession speech. And, finally, saw in him a candidate I could respect.


The scene in Grant Park was amazing, as was Obama’s victory speech. We’re going to be having a different kind of national identity from now on, I’m guessing. And it’s about time! Our eight-year nightmare with Bush is about over. America. Has. Awakened. (!)


Soundtrack Suggestion

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.

(“The Times They Are A-Changin’” – Bob Dylan)

Reader Comments (4)

I did not support Barak Obama. But,as an American I wish him the best of luck and hope he does so well he gains my vote in 2012. Really, I do.

Along with you, I also laughed out loud when Sarah Palin said that FDR went on TV in 1929 to explain what caused the depression. How stupid!

Oh wait,that wasn't Sarah Palin, it was Joe Biden who said that. Never mind.
November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAl
I was a die-hard Edwards backer myself, and I'm still feeling betrayed and...duped. I thought he was a man of principle, you know?

In the primary, I was torn. I didn't think Hillary had a chance, really, but it came down to health care for me, as a person with a lot of health problems. So, I voted for Hillary in the primary. Once it was clear the Barack was the guy, though, I was (am) behind him 100%. I can't help but feel like we're living history, and I'm excited about the possibilities for the first time in a long time.
November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCetta
I agree... I've always vaguely paid attention and voted, but this election I became obsessed too!

Bush has messed things up so supremely, that I don't know of a single person who isn't affected.

Something had to change and change fast!

I was a Hillary supporter for simple reasons (although I've always loved John Edwards as well, he was simply too "quiet" in the primaries)... her intelligence and her record. I beleive her ideas and plans for our country are very similar to Obama's, so I am very happy with the outcome of this election and can hardly wait until January 20th!

You mentioned Palin, so I thought I'd share a link:


Have a great day and thank you for your election thoughts!
November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRaia
Hey Technomonk, I was just checking out your blog. Edwards was my guy at first as well. I voted Hillary in the primary because I thought she had always been given a bum rap. I think she will be a fine secretary of State. A lot of people voted for Obama merely as a reaction against Bush, but I saw glimmers of actual intelligence from him especially early on. Once the campaign got into full swing he cut down the reading level of his speeches, God forbid any elite intellectual ever leading us. Obama is already demonstrating a lot of pragmatism in his cabinet selection. I was more political this time than I have been for a long time. I just still can't believe that a half black person with such a funny name got elected. It defies all marketing principles. I really worried that the Bushites would steal the election again. But I guess the Bush machine didn't like McCain enough to let him have those dirty tricks, either that or he is honest enough to not use them.
December 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercolleen

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