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Political Passion, Facebook & Freedom of Speech

This morning, I posted a link on my Facebook page to an article about Keith Olbermann’s “Special Comment” regarding the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona yesterday (see “Olbermann Connects Giffords Shooting To Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck And Apologizes For His Own Remarks”). In the comment I made to accompany that link, I called for a halt to the widespread uncivil, inflammatory and insane political rhetoric in this country — such as the “second-amendment-remedies” remarks from the likes of Sharron Angle, Sarah Palin, and other assorted Tea Partiers.

Within minutes, I had a comment from one of my Facebook “friends” asking if that meant I would now end my expression of impassioned political opinions, noting my agitation about, and name-calling of, many Republicans over the years.

All I can say to this is: wtf, dude?

Are you saying that my opinions, however passionately expressed, have the kind of radical, evil intent (and, indeed, craziness) in them that imply support of assassination, murder and/or attempted murder?

With all due respect, when I make claims such as “George W. Bush is a liar and a war criminal,” there is considerable evidence to support that. And is in no way a call for harm to anyone. For you to infer malicious intent on my part is just plain folly.

And so, dear Facebook friend, in an unprecedented act, I have removed my post and your subsequent comment. You don’t get to insinuate, on my Facebook page (please use your own), that my passion has any relationship to the dangerous (and now murderous) rhetoric put out there by the political right-wing in recent times. You just don’t get to do that.

Reader Comments (1)

A couple of weeks ago I started a research project [and] In the course of [the] project I “liked” the pages of many politicians of both parties to follow their posts and research how they use their FB pages. One of those was Sarah Palin. When I read your comments belittling me for following Sarah, I was f-ing pissed! I would never belittle your professional research. When you bragged you belonged to a group to “Tell Sarah Palin she is full of crap”, I thought “how childish.” But you’re an amateur politician so I let it pass.

I never questioned your right to free speech. I thought how hypocritical for YOU to call for civility when you are the one who belongs to a group to “Tell Sarah she is full of crap.” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. And you do get so worked up that your whole body shakes like Jello when you express your opinions on political issues. It’s scary.

One more thing. [At one point] I had someone walk into my office and threaten to bring in his shotgun and “blow my head off.” His body was shaking like Jello when he said it to me. Just like your body shakes. When I watch your body language when you get worked up, it reminds me of that day when my life was threatened. Really. It does. I will never forget that day or body language.

I do not take death threats lightly … It is serious business. It’s a dangerous business [at any political] level…

You can take your FB account and say any f-ing thing you want to say in the future without fear of my commenting. I have un-friended you...
January 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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