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Starting today, I’m taking four days off from this unpacking regimen I’ve been following. It will be good to have a little break from the ceaseless routine, physical demands, and stress of opening, putting away, opening, putting away.

I had a fairly productive day yesterday and worked to the point where a lot of the garbage is out of sight. (It’s not all necessarily gone, but at least I found a place to recycle all the newsprint packing material.) I’m making a quick visit back to my point of origin (Wisconsin) this weekend, and I believe that when I return home here on Sunday night, I won’t be overwhelmed by the condition of my living space. (Not that 28 unopened boxes of books in the living room are pretty to look at, but at least they’re all semi-organized along the walls.)

I’ve been wondering how I’ll eventually adapt to small-town life. For now, everything seems to be going ok; but, then, I haven’t made very many demands of the place. Most everyone I’ve met here has been exceptionally friendly. A couple of strangers even said hi to me at Fred Meyer this last week. Interesting. Wow. And, my downstairs neighbor left a map of the area and some local statistical information on my doorstep.

From the modest size and number of recycling bins here at the apartment complex, and information I was able to find on the web, it would appear that the town has a ways to go in terms of environmental responsibility; but, then, I may be missing something. I went to the Kinko’s website to see where the local copy facility might be, and discovered that the nearest one is my ol’ shop on Willamette Street in Eugene. Oh well, I’ll find someplace else.

I went downtown for a haircut yesterday, and discovered that not only could I find a parking spot: it was free! I also paid less than half for my haircut here than I did in Portland at a comparable salon.

I think there are going to be several mental adjustments I’ll be needing to make here as I continue this part of my journey. Stay tuned.

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