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Magnesium & Spirituality

As I’m sure you know if you’ve at all kept up with my journey here, chronic pain issues have recently influenced me in terms of renewing a spiritual practice. Readings in Buddhist literature, as well as meditation, have been integral to my ability to cope with this current life situation.

Naturally, along the way (since May 2005 and the onset of the first troubling symptoms), I’ve also consulted with MDs, chiropractors, a naturopathic physician, an acupuncturist, a neurofeedback therapist, and a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Several massage therapists have helped me out as well. Additionally, I’ve sought advice from several friends and acquaintances and done tons of reading; and I’ve conducted many hours of research here on the internet.

All of this activity has taken place, of course, because as the last year-and-a-half unfolded, my chronic (primarily muscular) pain symptoms became more and more problematic. At the end of 2006 my condition had deteriorated to a really unacceptable level, and by the first week of this month, I was ordered to take some time away from work.

Since then, I have had an intense two weeks and had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with several more health professionals, some “traditional” and many others “alternative.”

At this point (and really, on this journey, it can only be considered “a point”), I believe it just may be that my alternative health providers have led me in the direction that will turn out to be the most beneficial. Right now I appear to be making significant progress with enhanced levels of a magnesium supplement in my diet. A very interesting article I found online just today, explains the importance of magnesium to our bodies, and the symptoms that result when humans find themselves in a magnesium-deficient state. It’s all very, very familiar sounding…could this possibly be “the answer?”

Whether or not this is the ultimate solution or not, of course, remains to be seen. I’m patiently waiting to see how the next couple of weeks or so develop in terms of symptom relief. At any rate, now having become reacquainted with the serenity that can accompany a spiritual practice, I am experiencing more hope about the future.

Reader Comments (3)

I do think you're on the right track with the magnesium for muscular pain. There's lots of info about magnesium at Also, magnesium relieves stress. Another way to get magnesium is through transdermal uptake by taking a bath with Epsom salts in the water.
January 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJan
I know that it is very hard to get enough Magnesium in one's diet - I try and keep track of what I eat and which nutrients I'm keeping up with by diet alone - and I almost never make the RDA magnesium level.

Lucky for you (!), Pacific Halibut has a good amount of magnesium - if you'd rather do that than supplements. See National Institutes of Health supplements web site

January 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCindy
I’m really appreciative of you, Jan and Cindy (and others who have written me directly), for passing along this information and offering your support. This feels really great!

I’m continuing to make significant progress, and at this point, it feels like I’ve “discovered” a wonder drug! Amazing!
January 25, 2007 | Registered CommenterTechnoMonk

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