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Dreams & Confessions

As I awakened very early this morning, for one of those ungodly pre-dawn visits to the bathroom, I was aware that I had been dreaming of writing a blog post entitled “Dreams & Confessions.” At the time, I remember being quite clear on how the essay would go. Of course, I went right back to sleep, got up a couple of hours later, and all that had stuck with me was the title. So, what I’ve done right here, right now, is to sit down at the keyboard to see if my fingers are able to fill in the blanks...


An extremely vague memory of my dream-time last night is a snapshot of an experience that is, well, really just a dream. The scene is one where I am walking down the sidewalk with a young woman I feel very close to. As we are about to cross the street at an intersection, I reach to take her hand just as she simultaneously reaches out for mine. The unusual thing about the gesture is, I realize, this is the first time we’ve touched. And we’ve both decided to do it for the first time - at the same time. We take each other’s hand, look each other in the eye, and both smile radiantly.


And that’s the sum total of my memory of the dream.


I don’t know who she is. Or, if in the dream, I am the same (younger) age as she, or if I am the age I am now. Or where we are. Or how we know each other. Or why we’re together on this particular sunny afternoon.


This small slice of time reminds me a little bit of the one described by “Sam” (Tom Hanks) in Sleepless in Seattle. Sam said, “I don’t know. When I met her, it was so clear. I just knew. You touch her for the first time, and suddenly... you’re home. It’s almost like...Magic.”


So, if that’s the dream part of this essay...what could I possibly have to confess?


Well: that I believe Magic Happens? It would seem that I’ve already confessed that. Just recently, in fact.


So, I guess I could further confess that I have wide-awake fantasies (not just dreams) of this kind a lot. For as many years now that I’ve been alone, and as much as I try to talk myself into believing that I’m OK alone...well, I would prefer not to be. And at no time of year is it more difficult to have these kinds of magical fantasies than the holidays.


At this time of year, especially, I think about having someone’s hand to hold. To have somebody to help me warm my feet at night. And someone to share life, love and presents with on Christmas Eve.


This I confess.

Reader Comments (2)

That's a touching entry. I hope you find the girl of your dreams. Awake.

(submitted via Twitter @TechnoMonk; edited)
December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarbarellaf
i 2 dream abt ppl i dont know, but in my dreams theyre like best freinds or worst enemies. jung would say that the woman is your anima, the part of your psyche u seek in women 2 "complete" u. aside from that i thought i might blog my own view on the holidays. but i'll just make a simple observation here. i used 2 think the lights & stuff symbolized portals 2 & from other worlds, taking metaphore literally can be dangerous. but its no surprise that when its cold & dark & things r scarce ppl would celebrate light, warmth, & resources. i'll leave it 2 the experts 2 argue the worthiness of various holidays. may u find them happy.

(submitted via email from mobile device)
December 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChooseyBeggar

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